Dr Mark R. Grandstaff, Ph.D., has a degree in American and Organizational Culture from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Having written four books and more than seventy articles, he has taught at Brigham Young University (emeritus professor), the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Maryland, University College.

Dr. Grandstaff is a former fellow of the James MacGregor Burns Institute of Strategic Leadership, College Park. He served on the U.S. President's Committee for National Service. He is also a Certified Typology Master Practitioner who mentors organizations in the use of the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) for communication and conflict resolution.

His most recent book, Reclaiming The Fire: Depth Psychology in Teacher Renewal, introduces the role that Jungian Typology and Archetypal Reflectivity play in overcoming occupational stress and burnout. A Jungian Coach, he changes peoples' lives and can help you do the same.