Engage Your Potential with Jungian Coaching

Transforming Dreams into Reality

Jungian coaching isn’t just about achieving external success; it’s about connecting with your inner essence. Here’s what sets it apart:

  1. Soul-Centered Perspective: We honor the psyche’s desires—the whispers of the soul—as the heart of our coaching. By tapping into your innate longings, we guide you toward purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.
  2. Individuation Process: Jungian coaching recognizes that each of us is on a path of psychological growth and becoming whole. Through active imagination, dream work, and symbolism, we help you navigate this transformative journey.
  3. Ongoing Impact: Unlike quick fixes, Jungian coaching creates lasting effects. As you tend to your individuation process, you’ll experience profound shifts in well-being, performance, and alignment with your life’s purpose.
Jungian Life Coaching

Why Jungian Coaching?

  • Holistic Growth: It’s not just about coaching; it’s about your evolution.
  • Meaningful Connection: Rediscover purpose and wholeness.
  • Long-Term Transformation: Experience ongoing transformative processes.


Dr Mark R. Grandstaff, Ph.D., has a degree in American and Organizational Culture from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Having written four books and more than seventy articles, he has taught at Brigham Young University (emeritus professor), the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Maryland, University College.

Dr. Grandstaff is a former fellow of the James MacGregor Burns Institute of Strategic Leadership, College Park. He served on the U.S. President's Committee for National Service. He is also a Certified Typology Master Practitioner who mentors organizations in the use of the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) for communication and conflict resolution.

His most recent book, Reclaiming The Fire: Depth Psychology in Teacher Renewal, introduces the role that Jungian Typology and Archetypal Reflectivity play in overcoming occupational stress and burnout. A Jungian Coach, he changes peoples' lives and can help you do the same.

Are you: In transition? - Starting a new chapter in your life - Considering a career change Feeling stuck? - Disenchanted with current life circumstances - Feeling burned out in life or work Seeking personal growth? - Looking for a greater sense of meaning in life - Want a more cohesive understanding of your life’s story Schedule your free half hour zoom consultation here.

  • Category: Archetypal Change
  • Duration: 00:30 Hours
  • Location:Online Link


Archetypes and Renewal - Bonus Package
When you sign up for a free consultation you will receive a copy of  the archetypal indicator.  This is a way to gaining insight into the story of your life.  

Psychologist Carl Jung, one of the great minds of the modern era, called these roles and characters archetypes. He proposed that people go through life drawing from a repertoire of instinctive roles: father, mother, child, lover, creator, warrior, caregiver, and claimed there are as many archetypes "as there are typical situations in life."

Each of us can play any one of these characters at any time in the stories of our lives. Yet, out of the coutless archetypal roles available, each of us uses a select few more frequently than others. These are called our "dominant archetypes." But sometimes we're like the proverbial hammer that sees only nails, applying the same solution even when the situation demands a different approach. We're blind to other options lurking outside our usual attention, often operating unconsciously.

Identifying which archetypes are influential in our lives can lead us to self-discovery, self-awareness, growth, and self-actualization. Consciously choosing the right archetype for each chapter in our life story can create a more fulfilling, successful life, where we use our archetypes instead of being controlled by them.

We don't always know why we do what we do. We often find ourselves in roles we didn't even realize we chose to play.  This indicator will give you insight.